After Trump

A rewrite of the last chapter of my book on Renewing Democracy in America.

Rolland "Rollie" Smith
15 min readOct 24, 2020

Even if Trump is gone, will Trumpism remain? This reflection is not about him. It is about us and where we go from here.

Most of us understand where Trump is coming from and how he got the way he is. We even understand how he became President of the nation by a non-majority vote through electoral structures established centuries ago by compromise. We understand his TV performance appeal. What we have been confounded by, and seek to understand, is that 30 to 40% of our citizens are his fans not merely as an entertainer, but as a leader of our nation.

Nor do we stoop to identify these fans, our neighbors and friends, as stupid or wicked people even though we disagree with their policies. Naming and blaming are not the politics most of us want. We recognize that people think and act on their economic interests, their social identities, and their cultural values. They always will even when they are diverse and in conflict. We also believe that democracy at all levels, welcoming all who desire within an open arena on a common ground, is the way for us to manage those competing interests, identities, and values. And that belief is our common ground towards a common good.

After Trump was elected and we saw who he really was and where he was going and that he had a firm base of 30–40% of voters, many of us first turned to studying how our economic system favored the few and was working in fact, if not intent, to leave many people out the developing bounty. Many were the books we consulted through book clubs, courses, and lectures that demonstrated the growing inequalities of the American and global economy without worker and democratic participation in ownership and management.

And we studied history by reading the plethora of new books and in particular the history of racism in America. With our religious and civic associations, we studied racism and saw how it was built into the economic, cultural, and political systems of our nation — first in the Democratic Party of Jackson with defenders of white supremacy often in league with northern White workers and then in the Party of Lincoln and their “southern strategy” starting first with trading the office of President for ending Reconstruction and allowing Jim Crow.

We met with new immigrants in our neighborhoods and worked with them to understand why they left their native homes and what they were hoping to achieve in seeking to become American citizens and how our differing cultural values resonated. Many of my friends are also community organizers trying to build relationships and non-partisan associations in workplaces like offices, health facilities, and businesses and in living places like rural towns, urban neighborhoods, and multifamily housing apartments. I drew upon their knowledge and wisdom after a lifetime of sometimes successful, and sometimes ineffectual, community building.

All that study helped me understand the 30 to 40% and how and why they have always been here — way before Trump and could be here way after him by taking over a political party and getting ready for a more affable and competent American Firster to make America great — the One we have been waiting for. The One who has taken the red pill, who will command legions of armed angels, who will separate the good guys from the bad guys, and who will lead us through the Apocalypse like a Marvel hero. Though we understand the polarization of today and the relatively stable 30 to 40% supporting populist nationalism and White European ancestry dominance, our strategy for the unity, common ground, and the trust required for democratic governance is far from clear.

Until I worked in Detroit and Chicago blue collar working people neighborhoods segregated Black and White with concentrations of ethnically identified immigrants, I thought that racism and xenophobia were simply learned personal biases that could be overcome by meeting, working, playing, and consorting with one another. The people I met in these neighborhoods were biased, but most had interracial friends at work, at ballgames, and at concerts. They did not hate the “other” as individual persons. They also found issues they could work on together through coalitions and broad-based community organizations.

Community is woven by shared economic interests, cultural values, and political coalitions. Understanding and dealing with the racism, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny, and conspiracy mentality that unravel our nation means identifying and confronting the social structures in our economy, culture, and politics that maintain these divisive biases and practices. Together we need to acknowledge the ruts we are all in, the hidden, underlying systems in which we all behave. That takes what C Wright Mills called “the sociological imagination.”

Yes, there are bad apples in the police, lazy workers in government, individuals who cheat, gangbangers in neighborhoods, crooked businesspeople, and they should be corrected. But their behavior is often the result of the systems in which they live, behave, learn, and act: the lending and real-estate system, the education and employment system, the language and symbolic system, the criminal justice system, the undemocratic corporate system, the often outmoded political system.

But more! What I have learned during my study and experiences during the political, health, and economic plagues of the last few years, is that we need to go much deeper. The systems that we need to change through non-violent democratic action are rooted in a social psyche that has been built over four centuries. In other words, there is a spiritual dimension that transcends our economic interests, cultural values, and political powers and calls for what Willie James Jennings calls “the theological imagination.”

I here identify three of these elements in the American psyche that we need to acknowledge, understand, and confront should we really want to change the systems that divide us, that undermine our trust in one another, and that destroy our democracy. Those are the American Caste structure, the American Ideal of Manhood, and American Christian Idolatry.

Each of these blemishes of the American spirit, psyche, or character could have a separate book or treatise written on them — and indeed each has many. I cite Isabel Wilkerson recognizing the roots of racism and xenophobia in the American structure of Caste (Caste: the Origin of our Discontents). I cite James Baldwin for recognizing the roots of misogyny and homophobia in the American Ideal of Manhood (Freaks and The American Ideal of Manhood. I cite John Dewey for identifying the dogmatic error in human thinking that leads to unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, self-righteous absolutism, autocratic nationalism (How We Think, A Common Faith).

And so, so many more. To “redeem the soul of America,” as many new mainly secular theologians are saying, we need to acknowledge how these divisive and destructive elements are attacking our body-politic and prop up our communal immune system to ward off these infections. But not by violence. Violence is the sign and result of these systemic errors or original sins and will further destroy the body-politic. Only by getting to our national soul can we access the institutions, the behavioral habits of a social order, that suffer these cancerous infections.

1. Illusion of the Absolute. Language and Neuroscience experts have indicated that humans use symbols to think and know the world, universe, reality. Symbols are concepts (images, figures of speech, models, propositions) that are verified through human interpersonal experience as fitting the reality as experienced in the world. We express them once verified as beliefs. However, these human products are transient and can be refined, modified, or recontextualized through further inquiry, all of which constitutes the process and progress of thinking. Yet often we humans confuse our means of thinking and communication, e.g. the symbol, as the reality itself. In doing so we confuse the expression with the reality expressed and therefore considered fixed or absolute. This leads to the dogmatic error which is an obstacle to truth. The dogmatic error is the source of narcissistic righteousness, unevidenced claims and conspiracy theories, clinging to beliefs as absolute, guilty verdicts without fair trials, superstitions, closed minds, rejection of scientific method. It is a root cause of our division into warring tribes, uncompromising political parties, vicious slanders, lack of trust in facts tested by observation, and the unwillingness to search for truth together.

In religious terms, it is called idolatry where we worship our human products (idols) rather than the reality to which we aspire. Iconoclasm, e.g. when we destroy other persons sacred expressions, is another face of idolatry since it claims that our ways of expressions are the ultimate ways of expression. Think of when the Taliban in the name of Islam, whose central principle is against idolatry, tore down priceless Buddhist artifacts in Afghanistan.

Fundamentalist religions, including many American Christian religions, which claim supremacy or as possessing the last or only word often assert their doctrines and make them a basis or even part of public law in opposition to other religions and non-religionists and to well-established science and in contradiction to the freedom-of-and-from religion right that is a hallmark of American democracy. As Dewey argues, there is a common faith which is an openness to the future, a willingness to self-correct, a care for the world and future generations which drives further inquiry. Faith is not to be confused with the beliefs by which we express it which can always be improved upon. The original settlers and colonialists were Christians often fleeing religious persecution with their firm beliefs. Many were willing to maintain their beliefs in the private sector for the good of a public sector without an established religion. However, idolatrous Christian religion maintaining the ultimacy of their beliefs to forgo new inquiry remains a force challenging to the American psyche. They claim that the US is a Christian nation and would have Sacred Scriptural sayings, Church dogmas, clerical judgments as basis of law even in the understanding of the constitution which is another sacred scripture revealed by God and so interpreted only by the elect. They would make the symbols of our nation holy and never to be defiled.

2. The Masculine Mystique. Patriarchy has been embedded in our language, religion, economy, and politics since ancient times. Thanks to women pushing back through the abolition and suffrage movement, to the women’s and now “me too” revolts, and to working women speaking and acting for equal rights, the light has been shone on the systems in economy, politics, and culture which not only has oppressed women but men as well. At root is the American Ideal of Manliness.

There are studies of the American masculine architypes that developed from gentleman slave masters (gentile patriarch) to frontier providers and defenders of women and children in the frontier killing Indians and bandits (heroic artisan) to Individual achievers (self-made captain of industry). In all three architypes the man is clearly dominant over women and children. He needs to prove his manliness in social situations. He is in competition with other men and admires and sides with the Alpha male as a way to achieve his masculinity. Machismo has been studied as the Latino ideal of masculinity which, like other cultural ideals of manhood, contribute to the American ideal. And this ideal reflects an ideal of the feminine, e.g. marianismo, the second, dependent sex.

Real men don’t wear masks — unless they are the Lone Ranger carrying his six-shooter to ward off hostile Indians and shoot silver bullets at bad guys. Cowboys not only wear guns; they win fist fights and join militias. Think of John Wayne and the Magnificent Seven. Real men know how to handle women as objects of desire; and know how to give them sexual pleasure. They are the police officers who know how to skirt the rules and force confessions. Think of the characters Clint Eastwood plays. They are the warriors who speak tough while carrying the big stick. They know how to use violence and the tools of violence. Think of generals Patton and McArthur. They are the toughest footballers, the enforcers who command the most fear in the game of physical might. They are the great capitalists like John D. Rockefeller and Daniel Plainview, the rugged individualists, who will use any means to build their fortunes. They learned at their father’s knees, like mafia sons and bosses how to manipulate others, how to make the deals by which they gain in a win-lose game, how to dominate the social and political order, how to enable sycophants, longing to be on the winning team, to do their bidding.

3. American Caste. I thought I knew all about American racism and what to do about it until I read Isabel Wilkerson’s Caste. I knew racism not just through study, but long years of confronting it entrenched in policies and laws while living and working with those who suffered it most directly. What Wilkerson did was drive me to a new deeper level with the concept of caste and comparing the American caste structure to the India of Gandhi and now Modi and to the Nazi attempt to build a caste theology by studying America’s treatment of Native and African Americans. What is the definition of caste? Caste is a divinely sanctioned, naturally inherited, enforced order in society that assigns all people a place in a hierarchy that divides labor, and maintains purity and order by separating superior and dominant humans by birth from lesser human beings.

At first, I was disappointed with Wilkerson’s prescription to cure this blight on the psyche of America. She advocates “radical empathy” and that seemed to me to go back to tired and tried race relations. “I have friends who are Black” or “guess who is coming to dinner” or “let’s have diversity training.” Which is all fine and good. And important. Familiarity does change attitudes. But it doesn’t get to the hidden systems that operate in the American society. I now choose to read Wilkerson as pushing to the system of systems that is operating as and defines the national character. I think that is why she calls for radical empathy.

I believe we need to go much further by showing the relationship between critical thinking and action. Radical empathy with refugees, the poor, children, the left out, women, slaves, and other oppressed persons will only occur when we act with (not on and over) them. This is why I believe that Wilkerson’s insight into Caste needs to be connected to Ibram X Kendi’s How to be an Anti-Racist and others’ prescription of action against racism. Radical empathy is a fruit of radical action.

Here then is my thesis:

Aided by many mentors, I am suggesting that there is a spiritual dimension to our many discontents. Under, behind, and above our values, attitudes, behaviors, and institutions are false gods and religions of our making: Structure of Caste, Ideal of Manhood, Illusion of Absolute that ultimately need to be confronted by virtues of compassion for others, strength through understanding, and humility in knowing — and thousands of ways to articulate faith, hope, and love.

To bring us together we acknowledge the stains on our national characters and the frailty of our human minds. To do this we must face our past and through careful inquiry identify the cultural ideas, economic interests, and political actions have shaped our national character and human mind.

But it is not enough to pray for enlightenment, be baptized to rid oneself of our original sins, and preach faith, hope, and charity. I am in no opposition to exercises to grow one’s soul including the rituals of religion. But I think that the mind or soul is embodied and that it is only through bodily exercises (which BTW include reading, writing, meditating, thinking, and art) that the soul can grow. This is so not only for the personal body but also for the body politic. When a few of us together are acting against racism within the systems of the social order that embody racism, then we together grasp its nature; and we sense and deal with its spiritual roots. The same for sexism, inequality, nationalism, absolutism, authoritarianism.

After Trump is gone, the 30–40% will still be here with their reinforced conspiracy theories, white supremacy, fixed economic ideologies, and religious idolatries that confuse the openness of faith to the dogmatism of beliefs, destructive ideals of manhood, and hierarchy of caste. Pro-White supremacy, pro Male superiority, pro Christian fundamentalism, pro American Exceptionalism, Pro authoritarian, they will proselytize their resentment of liberal education, their fear of scientific methodology, and their aversion to those who challenge the righteous order of society as it has been.

If we simply try to defeat the 30–40%, we become them. We sustain a win-lose, right-wrong, good-bad society. The answer, I submit, is not to fight them on their terms. The answer is to change the parameters and rules of the game so that we will all win. I am not so naïve to be certain that the better angels of our nature (compassion, cooperation, openness to change, trust) will overcome the forces of social entropy. But it’s not certainty I need but faith.

What we yearn for is a strategy that will change us all including the 30–40% to act together to build King’s “Beloved Community,” the “Promised Land” of Moses, Jesus’s “Reign of God” on Earth, Lincoln’s “more perfect union” of, by, for the people.

How do we get there?

We feel the pain that others are experiencing in their own situation. Their sense of being other, disrespected, powerless, and lonely with their very manhood and womanhood challenged including their abilities to provide for their families. Their place, they feel, is taken over by those who are foreign and unworthy. They feel the inability to have the breaks that others have. Direct contact but also art in novels, film, and murals are the vehicles for shared pain and shared pain is the gate to solidarity.

We start where we are. We consider the systems in which we are now operating and see what holds people back: educational, workforce, criminal justice, housing, lending, religious, immigration systems.

We reflect and talk about the hidden assumptions and the context that underlie and support these social systems in order to focus on a common vision for all.

We find others who suffer the same way and discuss with them and encourage them to meet with others who share their experiences and grief. Together we identify the policies and actions that could change those systems. (“Systems”: that is just a fancy name for social and public habits — often enshrined by law.)

We experiment! try to change some of those practices and observe what or who holds us back. In getting the powers that control the system to change practices, we will need to confront them with power, the power of people acting together in concert.

We build our base with not only those like us but with others, allies, who see how this situation hurts everybody including themselves.

We win some small victories and take our victory laps but move on to larger issues and link our local efforts with other local efforts towards regional, state, and national change.

Organizing for democracy in the workplace and the living space is the beginning of the renewal of the American Revolution of liberty and justice for all. Democracy is not an economic ideology, not a political party, not a transcendent religion, not (pace Aristotle) a constitution. It is doing and a way of doing. It is a verb, US Representative Abe Mikva said, not a noun.

If this sounds like community building 101, it is. And it is also public education, critical, reflective thinking, and citizenship training. In the classroom, the assembly halls, the office, the warehouse floor, the street, and the home.

In sum, to free ourselves from control by oligarchs, tyrants, and plutocrats and to free ourselves for public happiness, that is, to keep and strengthen our democracy, we must struggle for more democracy.

1. That means we need to assist people at every level and in every institution organize themselves to speak and act in concert for the common good, not just their individual self-interest.

2. We acknowledge the major challenges to our corporate soul — among them, the hierarchy of caste, the masculine mystique, and the illusion of the absolute.

3. We listen, share stories and memories, find the source of unnecessary pain, discover hopes and talents.

4. We look at where we shop as consumers, where we work as employees, where we live as neighbors, where we learn as students, where we worship as believers, where we act as citizens.

5. We discover in the systems in which we live, work, and act, the practices including language, funding, rules, treatment of others that contribute to inequality, resentment, unfairness, harassment, harm, and oppression.

6. We act in concert to change those practices and the systems that sustain them. Every citizen can do this. And everyone who does, no matter where born, is a citizen.

Finally, after Trump, following my own bias towards community organizing, I hope that, and I will act so that our government will support democracy at the local level in communities and workplaces by providing resources to organizers working in non-governmental organizations. I hope that local businesses will see it to their interests that communities are organized for safety, equality, and justice; and thus, stabilized for doing business and attracting business ventures. They along with churches, mosques, synagogues, local non-profits, and schools will support broad based community organizations for training local people in democracy. Community-based organizations, that are inclusive and positively focused on justice for all are the best schools of citizenship and democracy.

Will America fulfil its potential? Will humankind? We do not know but we can hope, keep faith with our comrades, love all who hate, and keep doing democracy. Then we will be well-vaccinated and immune from future domination by any great White Alpha Male Self-proclaimed Chief Patriot and Gang Leader who would threaten American democracy.



Rolland "Rollie" Smith
Rolland "Rollie" Smith

Written by Rolland "Rollie" Smith

Social Ethics U Chicago. Community organizer Chicago, Toronto, San Jose, ED nonprofits in California, Hawaii, Ohio, HUD Field Office Director, California.

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