Dem Moderates
Take on the issue of abortion and immigration directly and assertively
Pundits have told us that to get rid of Trump, as most of the nation wants, we must elect Democrats. But we also have to elect moderates. America is a moderate country, they say.
I agree with the first point in the present circumstances, but disagree with the last. I believe we are ready to reach the center, the balance-in-tension, not by wishy-washy, tepid moderation, but by grasping for the correct extremes in the correct places. We have to get out of the left-right, conservative-liberal, capitalist-socialist, middle of the way thinking and naming.
We know that the economy should be run by the common people, the workers, not by the elite plutocrats and money managers. Call it what ever you want but let’s have a democratic economy. One is which all prosper and there is equality in the pursuit of happiness. Whatever the means, no more half measures!
We also know that a democratic culture should be built on the great ideas and beliefs of the past, but also can transcend the past through faith in the future, the beloved community, the kingdom of God, the American ideal — again whatever you call it. Both-and, not either-or.
We know that the American democratic experiment has at times succeeded to add more people under its promise of freedom and justice for all — women, workers, black folk and other people of color, gay and lesbians — mainly through the politics of organizing and movements that can renew and change our institutions including government.
But we also know that there have been setbacks, like today, when anti-democratic forces resurge. This is no time for moderation, but for extreme resistance towards oppression and injustice to many.
But we recognize this is also a time of fear of loss and fear of change. Progressives pragmatically need to advance a progressive affirmative approach to two issues being used against them: abortion (a cultural fear of the religious right) and immigration (an economic fear of rural and left out workers). Progressives need to appreciate the concern of many people, including people who call themselves moderates and think progressives do not hear or appreciate their fears.
Abortion. I argue that progressives need to recognize that abortion is a violence that, like all violence, should never occur except when necessary. But who decides when this violence, like any bodily invasion, is necessary. Not government, not church, not men, not doctors. The only persons who can make this choice are the women who are pregnant. Government, church, doctors, society can help them make that choice unnecessary in many ways: birth control, parenthood planning services, stopping rape and other violent acts against women, full services and support to the born, and securing the living income of women. We can prevent abortions, making them less frequent, without outlawing them.
Immigration. I argue that immigration can be lessened by dealing with the horrible conditions that are pushing people to flee their countries, while also raising the standard for citizenship for all of us. Citizenship is much more than being born in a country and getting an ID. Citizenship should be recognized for those of us who meet the criteria of a good citizen, who are educated in and practice civility, service, and public action to contribute to our community. A leader who tears apart families, treats people as scum, and hurts children is not a citizen of our country no matter where he is born — even if he is President.
Please, candidates, don’t avoid or wash over these issues that may make it hard for “moderates” to accept you. Take these issues on directly, aggressively, progressively. Suppose you set a goal to reduce the need for pregnant women to abort their fetuses, say, by 50% in the next two years and explained how this would be done without eliminating women’s choices or punishing them for their free choices. Go for the goal without government enforced punishment.
Suppose you set a goal to reduce illigal immigration by 80% or more of what it is now by policies that reduced the need for families to flee their homelands while treating those who must with great civility with, yes, comprehensive policies for a progresive vision along with strict but humane enforcement.
We can focus and be accountable for the goals while using honorable means and maintaining the values and ideals of our free democratic Republic.